Bathroom Taps, Faucet and Mixer

New Bathroom Vanity MixerIn choosing our new bathroom taps we actually decided to choose to get mixers, instead of individual taps. Our builder actually reckons that mixers require less maintenance, last longer and generally work better than separate taps do. Tamara and I personally think that they look better as well.

Our vanity mixer looks good and is working pretty well so far. Caleb unfortunately couldn’t reach it as first, as it is a bit high, so we got hime a new bathroom stool. Now he handles it pretty well, but it was a bit of a learning curve for him as apposed to the separate taps.

We got a similar looking mixer for the bath and shower with a built in diverted for the shower.

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Choosing our New Bathroom Vanity and Basin

Part of the fun of our bathroom renovation was choosing a new vanity and basin. It was quite the experience again because like with our bathroom wall and floor tiles we only had an hour or so do it, it had to come from one store and it had to be in stock.

Again Tamara and I surprised ourselves by being able to choose our vanity and sink quickly and in full agreement. Here it is, sort of…

New 900mm Bathroom Vanity Continue Reading →

Picking our Bathroom Tiles

I think the thing that probably surprised me the most when we were picking our bathroom tiles was that Tamara and I agreed on the tiles almost right away.

New Bathroom Wall and Floor Tiles

The tile that is actually on the wall is the tile that we picked as our bathroom floor tile. The one that you see there is a rectangular tile, but we actually chose the square version of the tile.
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Bathroom Walls Sheeted and Floor Waterproofed

Bathroom Wall SheetedThe bathroom walls are all sheeted and the bathroom floor is waterproofed. The have also waterproofed the wall around the bath tub and the sheeted frame around the tub that is holding it up.

Bathroom Waterproofing

Tomorrow they should start to tile the bathroom and we hope that we will be able to start painting mid-week and move back into our house by the end of the weekend.

Office Ceiling SheetedThey have also replaced the sheeting on the office ceiling as they had to pull down that ceiling sheeting to secure the roof to the walls.

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