How Tall Can A Flagpole Be in Adelaide, South Australia

Canada Flag

With Canada Day just around the corner I was wondering about putting up a flag on the house to celebrate. There are a few flag poles around the community, including one at the Fijian Consulate, which is a house in our neighbourhood.

Republic of Fiji Consulate in Adelaide South Australia

Given the local council’s tendency to regulate as much as they can here I was curious about what the restrictions that they have to having a residential flagpole at your house.

Best I can tell from a few local council web-sites as far as limitations for a residential flag pole are as follows:

  • Standalone flagpole must not exceed 10-metres in height
  • Flagpoles attached to a building you are limited to 4-metres above the top most point of the building it’s attached to
  • Heights that exceed these require development approval

To be honest those limitations are not as bad as I thought they would be, I expected a shorter height to be required.

These are just guidelines that I have found, if you are planning to put up your own flag pole I would recommend contacting your local council to find out what their own regulations are.

Image source: CANADA FLAG 3 x 5 foot

Space Saving Fold-Out Convertible Desk by Dealfind

Space Saving Fold-Out Convertible Desk

I love this idea if you are limited in available space, but still need a small workstation in your house or apartment. Ikea used to have something similar to this, but even though it seemed to be quite popular, Ikea no longer sells it.

You can pick this up right now in Canada through DealFind for $150.00. If I was still living in Canada it is something I would have considered as a workstation for the kids.


If you want a DIY version of a similar desk then Ana White has some great plans for a flip down wall desk that you can use. She makes it look easy, but I realise that with most of these projects what’s easy for someone else to do, might not be easy for me to do …


Just found this desk available in Australia for $251 over at I do like it, but not that much!

White Fold-Out Murphey Convertible Desk