I Do Not Sell Tiles or Fix Air Conditioners

You would be surprised at the number of requests I get for bulk ordering floor and wall tiles. That is probably one of the most common comments and contacts that I get from this blog. People either trying to sell me containers full of tiles, or trying to find out pricing for tiles to buy for their house.

Maybe I am getting old and bitter (my wife would probably agree there), but I have just stopped even responding to those messages. It was getting rather old and time consuming to respond to each e-mail, especially since most of them were probably bots. I reckon that anyone who reads this blog can probably figure out that I really don’t know much about either air conditioners or tiles.

So if you want to buy some tiles or fix your air conditioner then check out our list of contractors (there is a link to a referral site at the bottom to find Australian Contactors).

If you want to laugh at some of the experiences someone else has had with their air conditioners and tiles, the keep reading this blog …